The Trick To Keeping Spiders Out Of Your Omaha Home

Brown house spider crawling on a wall.

Along came a spider that sat down beside her and frightened Miss Muffet away. Funny how spiders can make grown men shriek aloud or a woman jump onto a chair to avoid contact. Have you ever seen someone walk into a web? The reaction is intense, to say the least…and kinda funny. Well, these spiders have got to go! Let’s take a look at how we can make that happen. Maybe Miss Muffet will come back.

Spiders Common To Omaha

There are more than 45,000 known species of spiders worldwide. They come in varied sizes and colors, but basically the same body type. Their webs can also be different depending on the habitat and desired prey. In Omaha and the Midwest in general, we have several that can be quite nasty, but most spiders are just an unwelcome nuisance.

  • Common House spider: This species is non-aggressive and is not harmful to humans.
  • Wolf spider: This spider is also non-aggressive and is not harmful to humans.
  • Black Widow spider: This is an aggressive and dangerous spider species. If bitten, contact a doctor.
  • Brown Recluse spider: For the most part, this species is non-aggressive unless it's cornered. If you suffer a brown recluse bite, contact a doctor. 

If you are bitten by a spider, please do your best to catch it. This makes it much easier for the doctor to identify the toxin. For the most part, spiders prefer to eat moths, flies, mosquitos, and sometimes other spiders. People are not usually on the menu. However, if they feel threatened, they will bite. 

Remove Spiders Food Source

This is easier said than done. Pests tend to find a way into even the most secure homes, and a spider’s instincts will lead it to spin webs where there is a high probability of catching a steady flow of prey. So, taking action to keep flying insects out of your home is the first logical step in spider prevention. Here are some tricks to help keep unwanted spider snacks out of your home:

  • Check window screens for holes, rips, or bent frames.
  • Fill holes and cracks around the outside of the house.
  • Empty garbage frequently.
  • Keep outdoor garbage cans away from the house.
  • Be sure that food is in airtight plastic containers.
  • Insulate pipes to avoid condensation.

Eliminating the food source will aid you in your objective of keeping spiders out of your Omaha home. It’s wise to continue these practices even when you do not encounter spiders in the home. They will go a long way toward maintaining a pest-free environment.

Other Spider Prevention Tips

We have talked about removing the food source, but that isn’t the only reason spiders will enjoy the comforts of your home. Warmth during colder months will also cause them to migrate indoors. While many of the above practices apply here also, they should not be overlooked as an important step towards your goal. Here are some additional tips.  

  • Frequent de-webbing is probably the most effective and quickest way to deter the spider's attempt to take up residence.
  • Keeping a clean and tidy home that is clutter-free is a definite help. Spiders dislike the smell of bleach or white vinegar.
  • The use of essential oils near suspected entry points makes your home far less inviting. Peppermint, Teatree, and Eucalyptus oils are recommended.
  • Check the underside of furniture and dressers for egg sacs. Remove them.
  • Be sure that your door sweeps are in good repair.

Knowledge is a great start to ridding your home of the eight-legged invader, next is implementation.

Call The Professionals

All the tips in the world pale compared to the knowledge of a seasoned professional. Beeline Pest Control is just a phone call away. Our professionals will gladly come out to give you a free initial inspection and estimate. Once you have established a regular service routine with Beeline Pest Control, your spider problems will disappear. Reach out to us today to learn more about our one-time or recurring pest control options!

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