Colorado Springs Homeowners’ Complete Guide To House Spiders

House spider on its web.

Whether they're truly dangerous to our health or not, no spider is a welcome sight. These eight-legged horrors are terrifying to humans for good reason. While most house spiders aren’t particularly aggressive to people or pets, some can pose greater health risks and all spiders are a sign of larger pest problems. Only through comprehensive pest control can you avoid these common invaders.  

Many Different Kinds Of Spiders

The term “house spider” really refers to a wide range of common pests that fall under the umbrella of arachnid. They can range in size, color, and shape depending on species and environment, including how much food they have around. All spiders are eight-legged and have the same number of eyes. They are carnivorous, hunting small insects, which is why spiders around your property usually mean that other pests are nearby, too. All spiders have venom and fangs, though most are not inclined to bite people and only a few carry venom that’s potent enough to cause anything more than an itchy welt. But some spiders, like black widows, can be far more dangerous and any spiders can be attracted to your property if proper steps aren’t taken.

Where Spiders Tend To Hide Out

To prevent spiders and avoid potentially dangerous bites, you first need to know where they often hide. Many spiders are nocturnal, meaning they only emerge to feed while we’re all asleep anyway. That means spotting spiders is less likely than spotting the many annoying webs they leave around. If you do start to notice spiders around it means they’ve likely always been there -- they’ve just outgrown their old nesting grounds. However, it helps to focus your property inspections on these areas:

  • Wood: Spiders prefer woody areas, especially areas where they can spin webs. This includes exterior plants, patio undersides, and around roof gutters.
  • Darkness: As nocturnal creatures, spiders avoid sunlight. They are often found in storage areas where no light is found.
  • Moisture: Many pests are attracted to moist places, and spiders will follow to feed on other pests.

Spider Prevention Tips

With so many factors that can attract them, spider prevention is really about limiting the factors that make your property attractive to all kinds of pests. While this can be a tall order to try and tackle alone, there are some steps you can take right away:

  • Crack sealing: Even small cracks can provide tiny bugs with a space they can squeeze in through and access interior walls. Routinely check for and fix any you might find around your exterior.
  • Food storage: Spiders don’t care about crumbs or food that’s left out, but the bugs they hunt will be.
  • Trash storage: Foragers are also attracted to your trash, which should be stored in secure bins both inside and outdoors. If pest populations grow from the food in your garbage, spiders will be attracted as well.

Turn To The Pros For Total Pest Control

Reducing your risk of pest infestations isn’t something that you need to try and take on all by yourself. Even clean properties can find themselves with tiny pests that attract spiders and more problems. To truly keep all these threats out, you need to turn to professionals who offer broader protections. At Beeline Pest Control, our trained experts can search for spiders or the pests they feed on, making sure the pest populations are caught early before they have time to grow. We’ll not only implement safe and effective removal, but we can make sure that long-term protection will prevent future infestations.

Keep your property safe from spiders with comprehensive pest control, call Beeline Pest Control today.

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