Should I be Worried About The Spiders In My Denver Home?

Black Widow Spider on its web.

Spiders are arachnids, meaning they have eight legs, no wings, and no antennae. Like other pests, spiders find their way into residential properties in search of food. Some spiders, like house spiders, are born inside and rarely go outside, while others prefer to be outdoors but wander inside in search of food. 

Species that follow food get inside through cracks and crevices in a property's foundation and exterior walls. They can also get in through open doors and windows, among other gaps in a home. This can make it challenging to keep them out, but with a few prevention tips and the proper assistance, you can have a spider-free home.

If you want to keep spiders out of your home, you should keep reading to learn more about this pest, what you can do to prevent them, and how experts can help.

Are All Spiders Dangerous?

All spiders possess venom, fangs, and the ability to bite. However, only two are considered medically dangerous to people, the black widow and brown recluse. While both of these species are common to the area, they are less likely to find their way inside. Although this is the case, spider bites from other species can lead to secondary infection if not properly treated. Plus, the presence of spiders in your home can be a sign of different pest problems, which can be dangerous to people.

Can I Prevent Spiders?

When trying to prevent spiders in your Denver home, you also need to consider the pest prey attracting them. To do this, consider the following tips:

Seal Off Potential Entry Points:

  • Inspect the foundation and exterior walls of your home for cracks that pests can get through
  • Keep doors and windows closed when possible
  • Keep outdoor lights off at night to stop attracting pests
  • Install screens, door sweeps, and weather stripping on all windows and doors

Remove Food Sources:

  • Use garbage cans with tight-fitting lids and wash them out frequently
  • Pick up fallen fruit from your yard
  • Store open food in airtight containers, including pet food
  • Regularly clean the kitchen and other eating areas to remove food debris

Address Moisture Issues:

  • Repair any leaking faucets and pipes
  • Remove organic waste from your yard as it can hold moisture
  • Make sure gutters and downspouts are guiding water away from your home's foundation
  • Remove any water-damaged wood
  • Keep birdbaths and other standing water away from your home

It would help if you also stored firewood away from your home as it provides the perfect hiding place for many spiders. De-webbing, vacuuming, and dusting regularly can also help keep spiders away. If you have a spider or pest problem on your property, prevention tips won't help you get rid of them. Instead, professional assistance should be considered to eliminate these pests.

Who Can Help With Spiders?

For more advice on spider and pest prey control, you should contact the professionals at Beeline Pest Control. Our experts can assist you with preventing and eliminating these pests through general pest control or targeted treatment for spiders.

Many people try to get rid of spiders using store-bought products, but these are often ineffective as they don't reach the root of the problem.  With Beeline Pest Control, you don't have to worry about attempting it yourself because once you set up your inspection, we will take it from there.

Call us today at Beeline Pest Control to learn more about how we can help you on your Denver, Colorado property.

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