A Step-By-Step Spider Control Guide For Denver Homeowners

Black Widow Spider on its web.

It is not uncommon for Denver homeowners to encounter spiders in their houses. In fact, spiders are common home invaders across the country. While outside, spiders are beneficial to the world around us, keeping other pest populations from growing to be too large. However, just because they’re helpful outside, doesn’t mean we want to let them live in our houses alongside us. Here are some effective spider prevention techniques to ensure your Denver home remains spider-free.

Spiders Common To The Denver Area

There are over 45,000 species of spiders in the world. Luckily for us here in Denver, we only need to worry about a few. Some spiders that are common to our area include yellow sac spiders, house spiders, brown recluses, and black widows.

Yellow sac spiders, as their name might suggest, are yellow in color with brown feet. Additionally, their abdomens feature a dark, lance-shaped mark. Yellow sac spiders are most active at night. During the day, they reside in small protective sacs that they have created.

House spiders are yellowish-brown with several dark stripes on their abdomens and legs. House spiders build tangled webs in randomly selected places. Although they are not known to bite frequently, they will if they feel threatened.

Brown recluses are one of the most dangerous spiders in the United States. They are predominantly brown in color, and they feature a dark violin-like shape on their abdomens. Although it is rare, their bites can cause severe side effects. You should seek medical attention if you are bitten.

Black widows are the most dangerous spiders in the United States. They are predominantly black and the females feature a red hourglass figure on their backs. If you are bitten by a black widow, be sure to seek medical attention right away.

Spider Prevention Tips

The primary reason that spiders enter a home is that there is an abundance of other pests for them to feed upon. Practicing general pest control goes a long way in keeping spiders out of your home. This means you should:

  • Store all food in airtight containers or in the fridge.
  • Clean up all spills from counters and floors immediately.
  • Refrain from keeping dirty dishes stacked in the sink for extended periods.
  • Take out the trash regularly.
  • Store trash in bins with tight-fitting lids.
  • Use dehumidifiers to address moisture issues in your home.
  • Keep crawl spaces, cellars, and attics free of clutter and debris.

Further Spider Prevention Techniques

In addition to practicing general pest control, you should also be sure to seal up any entry points to keep spiders and other pests out of your home. This includes:

  • Install screens in windows and exterior doors.
  • Install weatherstripping around windows and exterior doors.
  • Install door sweeps under exterior doors.
  • Fill in any cracks in the foundation of your home. 
  • Wipe away webs when you come across them.
  • Store woodpiles away from the exterior of your home.

For More Advice & Assistance

If you have any further questions about spider prevention, or if you require assistance in dealing with spiders around your Denver home, the trained professionals here at Beeline Pest Control are here to help you.

We offer both one-time pest control services and ongoing treatment plans to best suit your pest control needs. Moreover, our trained service technicians possess both the knowledge and the experience to effectively eliminate any pest problems with which you are dealing. You don’t need to share your home with spiders or any other pests. Contact Beeline Pest Control today, and let us take care of the problem for you.

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