How Dangerous Are The Yellow Jackets In Omaha?

Yellow Jacket on a tree branch.

No two species of wasps look exactly the same. Some are large and brightly colored, others are small and dull. One species that stands out is the yellow jacket. This invasive pest is considered to be one of the most problematic and dangerous types of wasps in our area. Just how dangerous are they? Here are some things you should know about yellow jackets and some simple prevention strategies to help you keep these pests away from your Omaha yard.

Yellow Jackets Are Aggressive

Several species of wasps live here in Omaha. Of these species, yellow jackets are one of the most aggressive. This isn’t to say that these pests will go out of their way to bite someone, but it does mean that they are much more protective over their nests than some other types of stinging insects. Yellow jackets become even more protective during the late summer and early fall as their queens are getting ready to hibernate through the coming winter months. 

One thing to keep in mind with yellow jackets is that their nests are not always above ground. Sometimes these pests build hives inside abandoned burrows that were made by other pests like gophers and voles. Keeping this in mind, if you see a large number of these pests around your yard, watch where you step.

The Dangers Of Yellow Jackets

The biggest threat yellow jackets pose to people is with their stinger. According to the Schmidt Sting Pain Index, yellow jackets are rated 2.0. For context, fire ants are at 1.2, paper wasps are rated at 3.0, and the bullet ant, one of the most painful pests on the planet is rated at 4.0+. This is to say that a sting from a yellow jacket isn’t as painful as that of other area wasps. It is, however, dangerous to individuals who are allergic to insect venom. To evaluate your risk, consult with your local doctor.

What Draws Yellow Jackets To Area Yards?

Yellow jackets are drawn into yards by tasty foods and beverages such as dropped meat, flower pollen, honeydew, left-out soda, and a variety of other items. Here are just a few things that are likely to draw these pests onto your property.

  • Not cleaning up foods and beverages after eating outdoors
  • Having lots of flowers and budding plants in your yard
  • Fruit trees and berry bushes on your property
  • Not covering plates of food and drinks when eating outside
  • Uncovered trash cans or dumpsters on your property
  • Insects, arachnids, and arthropods crawling around your yard

Strategies To Prevent Yellow Jackets

Now that you know what attracts yellow jackets to area lawns, let’s talk about some simple ways to deter these pests. Here are seven prevention tips we recommend you try.

  • Consider removing flowers and other budding plants from your property.
  • Pick up fruits and berries as they fall into your yard.
  • Clean up thoroughly after outdoor cookouts and keep food and drinks covered while eating outside.
  • Invest in tight-fitting lids for your trash cans.
  • Knock down wasps' nests that are smaller than a golf ball, after making sure their residents aren’t home.
  • Fill in holes around your property.
  • Invest in high-quality pest control to minimize pest pressures on your property.

For the best pest control Omaha has to offer, trust the professionals at Beeline Pest Control. Our team of experts has the safety equipment and training needed to remove yellow jackets' nests and advanced strategies to protect properties against other dangerous and annoying pests. 

Reach out to our team now to schedule your Omaha property for an emergency service visit or for questions you have about our wasp control programs.

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