How Can I Easily Get Rid Of Wasps On My Colorado Springs Property?

Wasp on a flower among green grass.

Most people have had negative experiences with wasps. For some, their last negative incident happened years ago. Despite this, a fear of these pests remains. If you have no love for wasps and want to address a problem on your Colorado Springs property, here are some things to consider. To skip the reading and jump straight to professional pest control in Colorado Springs, contact our team at Beeline Pest Control. We will schedule an emergency service visit and get you the care you need to combat wasps.

Where Do Wasps Like To Build Their Nests?

There are more than a few types of wasps here in Colorado Springs, and each species builds its nest in a unique way. The paper wasp builds nests out of chewed-up paper. You may find these nests under the eaves of structures, inside or around garages, or on the side of buildings. Yellow jacket wasps build similar nests in the same areas and occasionally use abandoned burrows as nesting sites. One unique wasp in our area is the mud wasp. This stinging insect builds solitary mud tubes on the sides of buildings and trees. They construct these tubes like apartments. If you are having trouble identifying a nest on your property, let the experts at Beeline Pest Control have a look. We offer fast and reliable stinging insect identification services and are happy to help. 

Steps To Take Once You Find A Wasp Nest

Learning there is a wasp nest in your yard can be concerning. Your next steps will completely depend on the size of this nest and where it is. If it is smaller than a golf ball and within a broom's reach, knock it down during dawn or dusk, when wasps are least likely to be active. For larger nests or ones out of reach, leave them be. As a general rule, it is best to keep back 20 feet from any medium to large wasp nest. Some species become extremely aggressive if they suspect their home is in danger. To stay safe, get the professionals at Beeline Pest Control involved.

The Best Way To Get Rid Of Wasps In Colorado Springs

Wasps are not pests you should feel comfortable treating on your own. Overconfidence leads to injury. If you are trying to avoid injury and get rid of wasps, get our team at Beeline Pest Control involved. We have the training and safety equipment to handle stinging insects and their nests properly. If you suspect a nest on your property but haven't seen it, let us check for you. We will take all the risks so that you and your family can remain safe. 

Natural Wasp Deterrents For Colorado Springs Residents

Once you have removed wasps from your property, you should put some preventive measures in place. Here are some wasp prevention strategies we suggest you try:

  • Pick up fruits, berries, and other sweet produce that drops into your yard.
  • Clean up thoroughly after hosting an outdoor gathering.
  • Keep drinks and food dishes covered when eating outdoors.
  • Consider removing budding plants from your property.
  • Make sure to seal your attic, outbuildings, and garage properly.
  • Check for nests frequently.
  • Remove small nests as you find them around your property.

Contact our team at Beeline Pest Control today if you have any unanswered questions about wasp control in Colorado Springs. Let us show you what professional pest control is supposed to look like.

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