How To Keep The Denver Mosquitoes Away From Your Denver Property?

Mosquito biting someone's skin.

Mosquitoes are flying pests that are commonly unwanted guests at picnics, barbeques, and various other outdoor activities, particularly during the warmest months of the year. Female mosquitoes have a unique mouthpart called a proboscis that allows them to penetrate the skin of humans and animals to gain access to blood, which is a needed source of protein for producing eggs. Male mosquitoes do not bite and solely consume nectar and other plant-based materials.

Are you wondering how can I get rid of mosquitoes? Professional pest controllers continue to use enhanced methods, proven to limit the mosquito population in a given area substantially and are safe for humans and the local environment.

The Denver Pest Control experts know how to prevent mosquitoes in yard areas and the best practices for reducing the overall population of these pests. Mosquitoes are dangerous pests associated with the Zika virus, malaria, yellow fever, and other harmful human health risks. 

Mosquitoes Are Much Needed To Maintain Our Eco-System

Most individuals would agree that a world free from mosquitoes would be great; however, these pests provide some ecological benefits. Mosquitoes play a role in the greater food chain as they are an integral part of the diet of bats, birds, and other creatures that exist in the world. Male mosquitoes also consume nectar, some of which can pollinate other plants and types of vegetation. 

The History Of Mosquito Control 

Why are there mosquitoes, and what has been done in the past to eliminate them? Mosquitoes have remained a fixture throughout recorded history. The term “mosquito” comes from similar Spanish and Portuguese words used to describe a “small fly.” Historically, armies active in wars in very humid regions have endured tremendous problems with mosquitoes. Mosquito-borne diseases such have malaria have been well-documented since roughly the 19th century. 

Why Do Mosquitoes Need Blood To Live?

The females consume blood to bolster their protein levels, as is necessary for the reproductive process. As the mosquitoes travel between hosts, they can transmit disease. Female mosquitoes generally place their eggs in clusters in pools of standing water where they develop. 

Because their eggs develop in water, mosquitoes are usually most prevalent near swamps, ponds, and lakes. Mosquitoes are most active during the hours of sunrise and sunset and will commonly retreat to areas of tall grass or other vegetation to avoid direct sunlight. 

Everything You Should Know About Mosquito Control

Some of the best mosquito control measures to consider include:  

  • Prevent unnecessary water problems by regularly clearing the gutters and fixing any leaky spigots or garden hoses.
  • Remove objects that collect (hold) standing water, including kiddie pools, large planters and flowerpots, tires, and other such debris from the area. 
  • Avoid significant outdoor activity during the hours of dusk and dawn when the majority of mosquitoes will emerge. 
  • Wear full-length clothing when outdoors to limit exposed skin that mosquitoes will target. 
  • Apply one of the EPA-approved insect repellants containing DEET, Picaridin, or IR3535. 

While these tips can be helpful, the best way to eliminate mosquitoes is with the help of the professionals at Beeline Pest Control. They know how to kill mosquitoes in your yard and answer the question,  how do you keep mosquitoes away from the property? 

Did you know that the seasoned pest control experts with Beeline Pest Control provide solutions for those struggling with spiders, ants, cockroaches, and various other burdensome and potentially harmful pests that plague property owners in greater Denver? We encourage you to contact us today to consult with a member of our team.

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