What You Should Know About Termite Swarms In Colorado Springs

Dead swarming termites on the ground.

Spotting a swarm of flying bugs on your property might not seem like anything out of the ordinary, but it can be a serious sign of a nearby termite infestation. While termites generally like to keep a low profile, they will occasionally emerge from their nests to breed and establish new colonies. So if you’ve seen a termite swarm on your property, it’s likely that there are thousands of other destructive termites in the vicinity. Here’s what you should know about termite swarms in Colorado Springs.

About Termite Swarms

When a termite colony reaches a certain size and when certain weather conditions are right, winged reproductive termites known as “swarmers” are sent out to establish colonies of their own. The time of year when termite swarmers are at their most active is known as termite season. 

Termite season typically begins at the first sign of warm weather, sometime around mid-March. However, not all termite species observe the same termite season calendar, and depending on the species, termite swarmers can appear as late as November. 

Although they may appear at their most visible around termite season, termites are active all year long. 

Are Termite Swarms Dangerous? 

Termite swarms are often the first sign of a major problem. The presence of swarmers indicates that there is a nearby colony that has developed to maturity and is sending out reproductive termites to become new kings and queens. Termite swarmers are not talented fliers and quickly lose their wings after leaving their colony. This means that if you find termite swarmers, you likely already have an existing termite problem without knowing it. 

Drywood termite swarmers tend to congregate outdoors around sunset. They can often be found writhing around on windowsills and beneath outdoor lights or wherever a bright light source may be. Common subterranean termite swarmers are known to emerge indoors, which can be very distressing. Subterranean swarmers appear during the day and are certainly a sign of an existing termite colony in your home or business. 

Termites are the most destructive pests around, causing over $5 billion in damage to U.S. properties every year. If an infestation goes on long enough, it can lead to weakened drywall and structural wood that can result in collapsed floors and walls. 

Ways To Prevent Termite Swarmers

Unfortunately, you can’t stop termite season. But you can stop termite swarmers from infesting your property by following some simple advice:

  • Check for existing infestation. Look for signs of termites around your property. Termite tubes made of mud running along your foundation are a sign of subterranean termites. Drooping wallpaper or drywall, pinpoint holes, and maze-like patterns in wooden materials are also signs.
  • Keep the lights off. Drywood termite swarmers are attracted to bright lights. Turning your outdoor lights off at night during termite season can reduce the likelihood of swarmers invading your property. 
  • Reduce moisture. Termites are attracted to moisture, so eliminating excess humidity and water is essential. Clear clogged drains and gutters to draw water away from the soil around your property. Try installing a dehumidifier in your basement.
  • Eliminate food. Get rid of the cellulose-rich materials that termites feed on. Switch to a cellulose-free mulch and move any wood piles or compost away from your home or business. 

The best thing you can do about termite swarms on your Colorado Springs property is to contact the professionals at Beeline Pest Control. With our comprehensive termite control services, you can rest easy knowing that your termite problems are a thing of the past. We’ll inspect your property for any signs of infestation and provide the right course of treatment for your situation. If you’ve spotted termite swarmers on your property, get in touch with us today.

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