What To Do About Hornet Infestations In Omaha

Hornet on a wooden surface.

Hornets are stinging insects with a body length of approximately one inch. One of the most common types of hornets found in this region is bald-faced hornets, which have distinctive white facial markings. Like wasps, hornets progress through four distinct stages of development as an egg, larva, and pupa before reaching adulthood.

Hornets usually produce aerial nests that are used for only a single season. In the spring, the queen will choose a new nesting location. Many different types of wasps and hornets will become aggressive when they feel threatened; therefore, always exercise caution when approaching them. Are you trying to determine how to kill wasps and hornets? You are strongly encouraged to seek professional assistance to eradicate these nests based on the potential dangers.

Omaha Pest Control Services

What do wasps eat? While hornets prefer grasshoppers, caterpillars, and others, wasps tend to be somewhat less picky eaters and generally will pursue the most abundant live prey. Keep in mind that flowers, fruits, and garbage cans containing food scraps may attract these types of pests.

How To Tell Hornets Apart From Bees/Wasps

What is the difference between a wasp and a hornet? Hornets are a type of wasp that is known for being aggressive when encountered. The majority of hornets found in the U.S. have similarities, including a brown body with yellow, orange, and white markings. Wasps tend to have a longer, thinner body style, while hornets are thicker and rounder.  

What Keeps Hornets Away From The Premises?

Among the many types of wasps and hornets, some will be deterred by certain plants and other natural conditions; however, many are not responsive to these remedies. Some of the best prevention strategies include:

  • Limit access to food by removing fallen fruit, moving hummingbird feeders away from the structure, and not feeding pets on decks or patios
  • Promptly repair or replace damaged screens and use caulk or sealant to fill any openings that might allow these small pests to gain entry.
  • Instead of planting flowers near the home, choose plants such as marigold, mint, basil, or wormwood.
  • Each spring, make it a habit to check for crevices or voids that might accommodate nests and eliminate these concerns.
  • Although hornets are less likely to be attracted to trash containing food scraps, wasps and other unwanted flying insects are likely to have an interest.

Does Professional Pest Control Help With Hornets?

Professional exterminators know the best strategies for how to kill wasps and hornets and keep them from returning. A licensed specialist will also recognize property conditions that might attract hornets and other potentially dangerous creatures to the area.

What do wasps eat? Wasps will consume a variety of foods including fruit, honey, nectar, and small insects. The bald-faced hornet prefers nectar and fruit juices solely.

Experienced Team Of Pest Control Professionals

Did you know that the technicians with Beeline Pest Control have all been properly background-checked and trained in the latest products and treatment options? In addition to stinging insects, our staff has demonstrated expertise in removing bed bugs, termites, rodents, and many other bothersome and potentially harmful intruders that plague local homes and businesses. Our management team is also committed to ensuring that our clients receive the highest-quality customer service and responsiveness.

Our experts know the answer to the question of what is the difference between a wasp and a hornet, as well as how to effectively treat hornet infestations in Omaha. We also recognize the importance of providing pest control solutions in a manner that is safe for our customers, their pets, and the local environment that we share. Contact us today to schedule an onsite property inspection and estimate.

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