What To Do About June Bugs Invading Your Colorado Springs Home

Ground Beetle in the dirt.

June bugs are seasonal pests that appear in waves for a short time during the months of May or June. The term “June bug” or “June beetle” does not describe a single species but is a general description for many “beetle-like” chafer species. June bugs can be problematic for agriculture and cause damage to gardens and lawns. 
Some of the most common types include European chafer beetles, green June beetles, Japanese beetles, and others. June bugs are generally nocturnal creatures that are most active during the evening hours, which allows them to avoid any potential predators.
The females bury their eggs in shallow soil, where they remain for several weeks before emerging as larvae, commonly called “grubs.” Next, these bugs progress through a phase as pupae before reaching adulthood. 
What do June beetles eat? Most species of June bugs are considered herbivores that eat a wide range of vegetation. For example, adults may consume flowers, leaves, grains, and some types of agricultural crops. June bug larvae that are still developing predominately eat roots and grasses. 
Are you trying to determine how to get rid of June beetles? While you can find a host of unusual home remedies from various sources, the best means of eradicating these types of pests is with the assistance of a licensed pest control professional. 

Pest Control In Colorado Springs 

Property owners in the Colorado Springs area are encouraged to speak with a professional pest control company when encountering pest-related problems. Home remedies are usually unsuccessful and may allow time for a somewhat minor pest intrusion to develop into a full-blown infestation.

What Does A June Bug Look Like?

June bugs typically have an oval body, six legs, and antennae. Their exterior appearance is often brown, black, red, or green and most have shiny wings. Can beetles fly? Despite being equipped with wings, the majority of June bug species are not good fliers and may appear clumsy. 
Do June beetles bite? Although June bugs will use their mouths to eat leaves and other organic materials, they do not bite humans and are generally considered nuisance pests. 

How Big Can A June Bug Get?

The body of a June bug is usually ½ to 3/5 of an inch in length; however, some species can reach lengths of nearly two inches.

Natural Ways To Get Rid Of June Bugs In Colorado Springs

Some of the best tips for naturally limiting the population of June bugs include: 

  • Treat your grass for June bug larvae (grubs) in the fall to prevent them from reaching adulthood. 
  • These pests are often attracted to exterior lighting; therefore, limit the use of bright lights after dark or consider switching to the “yellowish” LED bulbs that have been shown less likely to attract pests. 
  • Keep your lawn well irrigated in the spring months to discourage the bugs from laying their eggs.
  • Trim your lawn to approximately three inches, as the females generally prefer placing their eggs in shorter areas of grass. 

Total Professional June Bug Control 

Professional pest exterminators have the proper training regarding how to get rid of green June beetles and various other species. In addition to these pests, the experts with Beeline Pest Control are available to promptly respond to local home and business owners who are experiencing concerns related to ants, cockroaches, bed bugs, rodents, and many other troublesome pests. 
Keep in mind that we ensure customer satisfaction by providing a pest-free guarantee. We recognize the importance of delivering superior customer service, as recommendations from our past and existing customers are our leading source of new clients. Contact us today to schedule an onsite property assessment.

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