How To Keep Wasps Away From Your Colorado Springs Property

Wasps on their nest.

From bees to hornets, stinging pests are complicated. While their stings can be dangerous and harmful, they serve a crucial role in nature as pollinators. Having too many of them around your yard can be dangerous, but they can also help manage the other pests that threaten your property. Learning how to manage their populations and avoid their stings is important for every Colorado Springs property owner.

Stinging Wasps: What You Need To Know.

Did you know the term “wasp” actually pertains to a wide range of stinging insects? It’s true, even bees are considered wasps. People tend to only use the term to reference the larger, more aggressive varieties, like hornets and yellow jackets. While honeybees and bumblebees are indeed less likely to sting because they die when they use their stingers, all wasps can be dangerous. They all have unique venom that can cause allergic reactions, and anyone can have bad reactions to a lot of stings. Even people who aren’t allergic to bee stings might still be allergic to a particular species of hornet. That’s why it’s better to protect your yard from nests before they even form.

Landscaping Tips For Wasp Prevention

A few wayward wasps flying around your yard can be bad enough, but a full-on nest of them breeding and overtaking your property can be a nightmare. That’s why it’s important to be on the lookout for signs of colonies forming and take early steps to avoid an infestation. Here are some tips for how to make your yard less attractive to wasps:

  • Landscaping: Wasps like to make their nests in tree branches or other high spaces that provide shade cover and anchor points. Keeping branches trimmed back will reduce the surface area that pests have to build their nests.
  • Plant Selection: Smart yard planning goes beyond just keeping things trimmed, it’s also about avoiding the types of plants that attract pests. For pollinators, it’s flowering plants and most kinds of common decorative yard features.
  • Water: All pests are attracted to moisture, wasps are no exception. They need the water to survive and those that eat other bugs know that watering holes are good hunting grounds.

Other Wasp Prevention Tips

Proper yard planning isn’t the only thing you need to keep up with to reduce your risk of pests. Because some wasps hunt other insects for food, you also need to reduce factors that attract all kinds of pests to your yard. Here are some of the biggest things to focus on:

  • Food Storage: Leaving food out, like during barbecues and picnics, will attract pests to the aromas that foods give off. Sugary food and drink are especially like a magnet for pests.
  • Trash Storage: Speaking of aromas, the food waste in your outdoor trash bins is just as attractive. Make sure your bins are well secured and that soiled food packaging is properly thrown away.
  • Treatments: The best way to shield your yard from wasp nests and other pest populations that attract them is with thorough treatments of your perimeter and exterior. Contact Beeline Pest Control to learn more.

Get Professional Assistance Today

With pests like wasps that are directly harmful to us and can establish territories on our properties, it’s better to turn to experts for help controlling them. If a nest is already there, it’s crucial that you call in the professionals who have the gear and the solutions to remove them safely. Don’t try and move them on your own. Instead, contact Beeline Pest Control and we’ll get a technician out right away. Even if you don’t already notice a wasp nest around your property, our thorough inspections will help reveal all the potential attractants and other pest problems that can entice wasps to your property. Don’t let stinging pests become a dangerous addition to your yard, get started on overall protection by contacting Beeline Pest Control today.

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