How Big A Problem Are Pavement Ants In Denver?

Pavement Ants crawling on food.

No pest problems are exactly welcome by anyone, but the main thing people are concerned about with infestations on their property is how dangerous the pests are for your health and property. While it’s only natural to think about things in these terms, this is the wrong way to think about pest populations. All of them can cause larger problems, and with pests like ants, getting rid of them can be a tall order. That’s why it’s important to prevent all pest infestations before they start.

Pavement Ants: An Overview

Of all the household ants that commonly invade, pavement ants can be some of the most difficult to get rid of. These tiny black insects are the ants that you see crawling around outside on the sidewalk. That’s because they like to form their colonies out in soils underneath protective rocks, so miles of flat cement found around cities and suburbs provide a whole lot of real estate for pavement ants to colonize. Because they tend to infest public property and areas where you can’t easily get at them, pavement ants are a lot harder to remove than some of the other run-of-the-mill ant populations. To make matters worse, pavement ants don’t just stick to their outdoor environments. They are attracted inside to forage for crumbs and traces of food found all over homes and businesses, which makes them just as common of a nuisance as other invasive pests.

Not Dangerous, But Unwelcome

While most ants that you encounter are relatively harmless, some can be downright dangerous. Carpenter ants that chew through structural woods or fire ants that cause excruciating stings may be more threatening, but all ants can cause problems. Pavement ants don’t fall into this more dangerous category, but they are some of the most common “nuisance ants,” which don’t pose large health concerns or property damage. The problem is that all ants can contaminate food sources because they will forage around for their meals. They can also be difficult to fully control, and large ant populations on your property can attract other pests, like spiders that hunt them for food. That’s why it’s important to treat every ant population as potentially dangerous and none of them should be left unchecked.

Ant Prevention Tips & Tricks

The best way to avoid ant infestations inside your home or business is to prevent colonies from forming out in your yard in the first place. While it can be difficult to completely control all these factors, especially outdoors, it’s important to address the following around your property:

  • Food storage: Don’t leave food out, and make sure it’s stored in proper packaging. Deep cleaning regularly, especially in hard-to-reach areas of your home, will reduce food traces that attract pests.
  • Trash storage: You also need to make sure your trash is inaccessible, both inside and outside of your home or business.
  • Crack sealing: Ants are incredibly small, so even small holes or cracks can be wide openings for them to get inside. Check your exterior regularly and make fixes as needed.

Let Beeline Pest Control Help You

When it comes to invasive pests, the best course of action to control them is to contact pest experts. At Beeline Pest Control, we can inspect your property right away for signs of pavement ants or other invasive species. Depending on what your needs are, whether it’s early prevention or prompt removal of existing infestations, we can offer you effective solutions that will actually address the source of the problem, not just cover up the signs. Instead of wasting time and money on methods that may not even work, turn directly to the proven treatments of pest professionals. We’ll not only help you get pests under control, we’ll save you time and money in the long run.

Get started on proper pest control today with Beeline Pest Control.

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