What You Should Know About House Mice In Denver

House mouse in the garbage.

Mice have become such a common nuisance in our homes and human-occupied areas that we sometimes don’t realize how much of a threat they truly are. We may even think they are cute or cuddly looking. However, the truth is mice are dangerous pests to have in your Denver home. That’s because mice can carry a number of harmful diseases, and they can cause extensive damage to the insides of our homes. If you want to keep your family and your property safe from mice, you need to know some useful mouse prevention tips to lower your exposure to these unwanted rodents. Should your Denver home become infested, you need to know the reliable mouse control solutions that you can count on to effectively remove them.

Identifying House Mice

House mice are smaller rodents that grow anywhere from one to three inches long. They have pointed noses, and whiskers, and are typically gray or brown in color, often with cream-colored bellies. Mice have relatively short tails and large ears which are covered in felt-like fur. As rodents, mice have large front teeth that grow constantly throughout their lives. 
House mice, like many rodents, have a very dependent relationship with humans. That’s because they have come to rely on us for food, often feeding on our trash and other food waste. However, when food becomes scarce outside, or when they find a way in, house mice will make their way into our homes and eat our food before we throw it away.

Dangers Posed By House Mouse Infestations

Despite their cute look, house mice are dangerous pests to have around your Denver home. Not only are they known carriers of a number of harmful diseases, but they have also been known to contaminate the various surfaces of homes with their saliva, feces, and urine. Some diseases that house mice have been known to carry include LCM, leptospirosis, plague, tularemia, rat-bite fever, and salmonellosis.

House mice are also a threat to our property as they will constantly chew on objects to prevent their front incisors from overgrowing. If mice infest your home, you could wind up needing to pay for expensive repairs as they have been known to chew through wires, pipes, drywall, furniture, and clothing.

Mice are also common carriers of parasites such as fleas and mites. These parasites each come with their own set of threats and diseases which means you have a lot more to worry about than just mice, should they get into your home.

Mouse Prevention Tips

When it comes to mouse prevention, your main goals should be to remove any items that may be attracting them inside and to seal off any potential entry points. Always remember to cover entry points with durable materials that mice cannot chew through. To accomplish these, you should:

  • Take out the trash regularly to prevent overflowing.
  • Store trash in bins with tight-fitting lids.
  • Store food in containers that are airtight or in the refrigerator.
  • Pick up any uneaten pet food.
  • Fix any leaky pipes or fixtures in your home.
  • Keep attics and crawlspaces free of debris and clutter.
  • Install door sweeps under exterior doors.
  • Cover any holes around your home’s exterior such as around vents, utility lines, and pipes.

Mouse Control Solutions

If you do find yourself dealing with a mouse infestation in your Denver home, contact the professionals here at Beeline Pest Control right away. We offer both one-time services and ongoing treatment plans to best fit your pest control needs. Mice may be cute, but they are pests. Don’t let them live in your house. Call Beeline Pest Control today.

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