Colorado Springs’ Complete Brown Recluse Spider Control Guide

Brown Recluse Spider crawling on a dried grass.

Avoiding venomous spiders on your property is a matter of complete pest control. Because spiders are attracted by the bugs they feed on, you need to know all the tips and tricks to keep pest populations from forming in the first place. Here’s where to find all you need to know.

What Are Brown Recluse Spiders?

While most house spiders we see are mostly harmless, some local spiders have much more potent venom. Brown recluses are one of the two most dangerous spiders in North America, the other being the infamous black widow spider. While brown recluses are more dangerous than your average spider, they typically keep away from humans and are nocturnal predators. Bites are rare, but it’s important to seek medical attention if you notice symptoms beyond the localized itching that usually follows a bug bite. As with all spider populations, brown recluses are often the first sign property owners get of a larger pest infestation since they hunt existing insects to survive.

Brown Recluse Bites

All spiders have venom that they use for hunting their prey, but brown recluses have potent enough venom that it can affect people and pets. While deaths are extremely rare, the only thing that can reverse the effects of brown recluse venom is an anti-venom administered by a medical professional. More serious symptoms of a bite include:

  • Dizziness: While it can take hours for symptoms to manifest, people often notice dizziness and nausea as the venom circulates through the bloodstream.
  • Fever: If you start feeling feverish following a spider bite, that can be a sign that your body is reacting to potent venom.
  • Rash: Brown recluse bites are often followed by skin rashes that break out elsewhere on the body.

Spider Prevention Tips & Tricks

Avoiding brown recluse bites is a matter of generally keeping spider populations off your property. To do that, you have to eliminate the factors that attract other pests. Here are some general pest control tips for you to keep up on:

  • Food storage: Spiders won’t raid your pantry for food, but the foraging pests that they eat absolutely will. Keep food stored in secure locations and containers, and deep clean regularly.
  • Trash storage: Pests can also find plenty of food supply in our trash cans, which should be properly covered to prevent access. 
  • Crack sealing: Ants and other bugs can make it inside your walls through even small cracks or holes, attracting spiders to follow suit. Address these quickly by routinely checking your exterior and making repairs as needed.
  • Wood storage: Brown recluses like woody, dark areas to nest in. Keeping wood stored too close to your exterior can increase the likelihood that spiders will get indoors. Wear gloves whenever you move or disturb these piles.
  • De-webbing: While this is more of a reactive measure rather than one that will prevent spiders, disturbing spider webs can disrupt their supply of food since they use these snares all over a property to catch prey.

Expert Assistance From Beeline Pest Control

The overall pest control that’s required to prevent spider populations is never guaranteed without expert guidance. That’s why many property owners turn to Beeline Pest Control, where our friendly staff can provide you with more tips and tricks for how you can control pest populations. Let us get started on an inspection of your property today, gauging your level of risk for larger pest problems. Whether you need help with general prevention or effective solutions for existing infestations, we’ve got cheap and proven methods for you.

Don’t let venomous spiders become a threat to your property. Ensure overall pest protection with help from Beeline Pest Control.

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