What To Do If You Spot Spiders Inside Your Denver Home

House spider in its web in a basement.

Spiders are predatory arthropods that primarily consume insects, which helps curtail the population of many bothersome pests. Spiders are wingless and have eight legs and fang-like appendages known as chelicerae. As excellent hunters, spiders either spin webs that entangle passing prey or use the element of surprise by abruptly attacking their next meal.

Are you seeking solutions regarding how to get rid of spiders in your house? A trained and well-equipped Denver pest control professional understands the behavior of spiders, the most effective means of expelling existing them, and the best strategies for preventing future intrusions involving the many different house spiders found in this region.

Types Of Spiders You May Find In Your Home

Many various Denver spiders will enter homes, including the common house spider, yellow sac spider, wolf spider, and the black widow spider.

What are the most dangerous spiders in Colorado? The black widow spider is the primary type that poses legitimate concerns to human health, as a bite from a black widow will deliver potent venom. Widow spiders are a group associated with the genus Latrodectus. The western widow (Latrodectus Hesperus) is the primary type that exists in Colorado, which is a different species than the feared Latrodectus mactans that exist throughout the eastern and southern regions of the U.S.

During the late summer months and into the fall, funnel weaver spiders (Agelenidae) are among the most prevalent home-invading spiders that produce large silky webs. The species is notable because people often misidentify it as the venomous brown recluse (Loxoceles reclusa), which is recognizable by having three pairs of eyes, legs that appear in a single, uniform color, and a distinctive “violin-like” marking. Although the Denver Museum of Nature and Science confirmed past sightings of the brown recluse, the species is “extremely rare” in Colorado.

What It Means If You're Seeing Spiders In Your Home

What causes spiders in the house? As is the case with most pests, spiders generally enter and remain in settings with sufficient food sources; therefore, homeowners must limit the presence of insects and similar prey.

When are spiders most active? Spiders are year-round pests that are commonly nocturnal. The spider mating season is usually in the fall.

Five No-Sweat Spider Prevention Tips For Around Your Home

Are you a property owner in Denver searching for the best ways of preventing or deterring spiders? Consider the following five preventative measures:

  • Discourage spiders by cautiously removing any spider webs using a vacuum indoors or a garden hose for outdoor webs. 
  • Limit bright lights in entryways that draw many flying pests that spiders consume. 
  • Keep interior areas free of unnecessary clutter where spiders might hide. 
  • Avoid attracting flies, ants, and other prey by always placing trash bags in durable garbage receptacles with functional lids. 
  • Reduce the likelihood of attracting insects by adopting diligent cleaning habits in kitchen areas.

Additionally, homeowners should remember the importance of properly maintaining exterior areas of the home by filling any cracks or openings, repairing window screens, and other measures that help physically prevent spider entry.

The Best Way To Keep Spiders Out Of Your Home

The local experts with Beeline Pest Control provide specialized control services for the many Colorado house spiders that generally involve treating the whole home, including some exterior locations such as below roof overhangs or areas around the foundation where spiders often form webs. Some of the key interior areas we target include the upper corners of rooms, window frames, and baseboards.

Keep in mind that the qualified technicians with Beeline Pest Control provide many other services beyond spider control for home and business owners in Denver. As a truly full-service provider, we treat properties with ants, bed bugs, rodents, and most other common types of pests. Contact our office today regarding an estimate.

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