Preparing Your Home For Termite Season In Colorado Springs

Termite crawling on rotten wood.

When one thinks of pest control in Colorado Springs, termites are at the top of the list of what pests that come to mind, and rightfully so. Termites can be a big, expensive problem. The conscientious homeowner should learn how to prep their home for termite season.

What Do Termites In Colorado Springs Look Like?

The most common type of termite in the U.S. is the subterranean termite. Colorado Springs residents may also find drywood termites, which live inside the wood they infest. Termites are insects that feed on plant detritus, such as decaying leaves and, especially, wood. Subterranean termites build their nests underground and come out only to feed and mate. Termites are sometimes mistaken for flying ants; however, there are a few characteristics that help homeowners tell the two apart. 

Adult termites are dark brown to black in color with antennae that stick out straight. They also have long wings of equal length and a straight body. On the other hand, flying ants can be black, dark brown, or reddish in color, with bent antennae, wings that are uneven in length, and a thin or pinched waist. In nature, termites help to turn dead plants into fertile soil, thus encouraging rapid forest growth. However, once termites enter your home, they are no longer making a positive contribution to the ecosystem, but instead are causing thousands of dollars in property damage.

How Do I Know If My Colorado Springs Home Has Termites? 

Although termites that infest your Colorado Springs home are mainly looking to eat wood, they will also eat fabric, insulation, cardboard, and carpet. The destruction of furniture is often a sign that termites have been by. Furthermore, once the termite infestation has taken root, the damage to your property will become more and more apparent. Subterranean termites leave behind mud tubes, usually in the floor joists, the foundation, or the base of the wall. Mud tubes are a mixture of wood, soil, and termite saliva. As subterranean termites need constant moisture in order to survive, they create tubes in which they can travel between their food source and their nests without risking exposure to dry air. Other signs of a termite infestation include:

  • Bubbling paint 
  • Discolored or sagging drywall
  • Piles of feces that resemble sawdust near the nest 
  • Wood that sounds hollow when tapped
  • Termite swarms taking flight in or around your property 
  • Buckling or uneven floorboards
  • Brittle, damaged wood that is very weak to the touch

What Does A Termite Infestation In Colorado Springs Look Like? 

A subterranean termite infestation can take place on the outside of your home or on the inside. Wood that has been left untreated or allowed to absorb moisture is the main thing that attracts termites to your home. Therefore, if you have water damage, you are likely to attract termites. Since subterranean termites live underground and have mud tubes to travel to and from your house, you may not actually see the subterranean termites until it is too late. They cause very expensive structural damage and can leave you and your family in unsafe living conditions. If left unchecked, termites could destroy your foundation, floors, roofing, and wall frames until your home is left in ruins.

How Does Beeline Get Rid Of Termites In Colorado Springs?

You can trust Beeline Pest Control to take care of all your pest control needs. We have years of experience under our belt and a proven track record to give you peace of mind. We can provide everything your Colorado Springs home needs to treat a termite problem. Beeline Pest Control inspects, treats, and follows up to make sure your property is completely protected against termites. Give us a call today!

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