Denver’s Ultimate Ant Prevention Handbook

Ants crawling on a wall.

Knowing whether an ant is dangerous or not starts with knowing just how many kinds of ants can commonly invade homes and businesses. While most ants you encounter are relatively harmless foragers, some can mean costly damage or health risks. That’s why no ant is welcome on your property and prevention is key. Learning how you can take steps to keep your property protected from ants is something every property owner should do.

Many Different Kinds Of Ants

Ants are one of nature’s most diverse and resourceful creatures. They form colonies that consist of workers, soldiers, and reproductive queens, maximizing their potential to grow their territory. Of course, as ants’ territory grows, it encroaches on human yards and structures. While most ants are foragers, some, like carpenter ants that chew through wood, can cause significant property damage. All ants can contaminate our food sources or the areas where we prepare and eat our meals. Not to mention, the presence of ants on your property will attract other kinds of pests, like spiders, that hunt ants or steal the resources they hoard. Rather than treat any ant population as harmless, it’s better to work on early ant prevention measures and turn to professionals for timely removal -- before worse problems take you by surprise.

Ant Prevention 101

Ants are attracted to our property because it provides food, water, and shelter, all things that they need to survive year-round. That’s why the first step in preventing ants is making sure you keep up with the following:

  • Cleaning: Even tiny crumbs and faint traces of food left behind can attract ants from far and wide. Deep clean regularly, especially in hard-to-reach corners.
  • Food storage: Ants will also attack stored foods, so make sure not to leave any out and consider putting dry goods in sturdy containers that can’t be chewed through. Pet food, too.
  • Trash storage: Ants will forage around in the trash without hesitation. Keep your garbage in securely lidded containers. 
  • Moisture control: It’s not just that ants are attracted to moisture, it’s also that water damage can make your walls easier to get inside. Limit moisture wherever possible.

Keeping Ants Out

The other consideration when it comes to keeping invasive bugs out is precisely what it sounds like -- reducing their access points. Here are typical ways that ants get inside:

  • Cracks & holes: No hole is too small for some ants to get through, so you need to check for and fix any that you find around your exterior.
  • Windows & doors: Torn window screens and large spaces underneath doors also provide ants with an easy way in. Maintain your screens and install door sweeps.
  • Vegetation: Keeping plants trimmed back from your exterior is useful for preventing ants, which can use branches as highways to get close to your structures.
  • Treatments: The most comprehensive way to keep ants from invading is through routine treatments of your exterior.

Make A Beeline For Savings

Regardless of whether an ant colony poses larger health problems or property concerns, all ants are incredibly easy to attract and much harder to truly get rid of. Colonies can survive meager or ineffective elimination attempts, and even clean properties can find themselves with ant problems. That’s why smart property owners turn to professionals to help them with all this, so ants never cause larger issues. At Beeline Pest Control, our friendly staff can give you more pointers on how to prevent ants. We can implement proven prevention methods that will protect your property or fast and effective elimination that’s safe for people and pets. Let us get started on an inspection today.

Contact Beeline Pest Control for all your ant control needs.

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