All The Ways You Attract Wasps To Your Omaha, NE Property

Paper Wasp on their nest.

While wasps are an important part of ecosystems all across the globe, you don’t want them all over your property. They build ugly nests, they’re aggressive, and worst of all, they sting. What’s really terrible is you could be doing a ton of things to attract wasps that you don’t even realize you’re doing. If you don’t understand what attracts wasps – what they eat, where they like to build their nests, etc. – you won’t know how to keep them away. Below, we’ll talk about common wasp attractants, how to reduce them around your home, and what to do if you get an infestation.

Common Area Wasps In Omaha

With our humid and comparatively warm climate, we’ve got no shortage of wasps here in Omaha, everything from social ground-nesting wasps to solitary and social aerial-nesting varieties. Let’s talk about a few notables:

  • Yellowjackets: If you’ve ever run over a yellowjacket nest with a lawnmower, you need no introduction to this aggressive pest. Yellowjackets are social wasps that nest in huge subterranean colonies. These black-and-yellow wasps are one of the most hostile species in our area. If their nest is disturbed, they will literally “boil” over it, stinging any potential threat dozens – occasionally hundreds – of times and sometimes giving chase as well.
  • Bald-Faced Hornets: Another social wasp, the bald-faced hornet nests above ground in large, grey paper nests suspended from tree branches, awnings, shrubs, etc. Just like the yellow jacket, the bald-faced hornet will also become extremely aggressive if it perceives its nest as threatened. Luckily for us, in the case of the bald-faced hornet, it’s much harder to stumble upon their nests by accident. These huge, aerial nests are typically quite visible.
  • Paper Wasps: Paper wasps are much more docile than their previously mentioned cousins. While they’ll still defend their nests, you’re more likely to get stung a couple of times instead of dozens. These insects build their honeycomb-shaped nests from the paper they make by chewing plant matter into a pulp and sticking it together. While paper wasps are social, their nests usually just consist of just a few individuals. 

Why Wasps Are Attracted To Your Omaha Property

Wasps are attracted to a few things but the main ones are food and places to nest. As far as food goes, most wasps are interested in sugars and/or proteins, so everything from the meat in your garbage to the sugar in your sweet tea will make them come running. Wasps also eat nectar from many different flower species, making them important pollinators. In fact, some wasps are vital for the survival of the plants they use. For instance, without the fig wasp, the fig tree would go extinct.

Wasps also need places to nest. Wasps that build hanging nests will often go for roof overhangs, the undersides of decks, awnings, and anywhere else that they can attach their nests. Ground-nesting wasps prefer to find existing holes (such as those dug by rodents). So if you have a yard full of old gopher holes, it might attract ground-nesting wasps:

Keeping Wasps Off Of Your Omaha Property

There are lots of things you can do to prevent wasps:

  • Cover outdoor garbage at all times
  • Fill holes in the ground
  • Remove plants that attract wasps
  • Eliminate other wasp attractants like hummingbird feeders
  • Plant things wasps hate such as citronella, rosemary, thyme, or mint

Unfortunately, wasps are so prolific in the warm months that it’s hard to prevent them from coming onto your property. If you do wind up with an infestation, avoid trying to deal with it yourself. That could get you stung, so it’s best to leave it to the professionals.
Here at Beeline Pest Control, we have the tools and experience necessary to deal with all manner of pests endemic to the state of Nebraska. We can safely treat any problem wasps can throw at us, so you don’t have to get stung! Reach out to us today to learn more about our one-time or recurring pest control options!

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