The Best Way To Combat The Termites In Colorado Springs

Termites crawling on rotten wood.

Did you know that termites are a type of pest found throughout all U.S. states except for Alaska? Here in Colorado, termites continue as an increasingly larger concern—primarily in urban environments.

Researchers with the Colorado State University Extension explain that termites are a type of soft-bodied insect that consume wood. Termites form massive colonies, with thousands of other members that belong to several categories or castes with designated roles for the betterment of the group.

Termites are creatures that appear similar to ants—but several differences exist. For example, unlike the “elbowed” or bent antennae found on most ant species, termite antennae generally are straight. Ants usually have a narrow waist, unlike termites with a not-as-constricting waist.

A minimum of three native types of subterranean termites (Reticulitermes spp.) exist in Colorado. The name subterranean refers to how these types form underground nests and mud tubes or tunnels connecting the nest to sources of wood above.

The most prevalent type is the arid land termite (R. tibialis), which is found statewide in Colorado at elevations of less than 7500 feet.  In terms of property damage, the eastern subterranean termite is the primary problem. Also, a small area of the state near Grand Junction has dry wood termites.

What is the best termite treatment? No special formula or “one-size-fits-all” treatment option exists when it comes to termites; rather, a proper assessment is usually necessary for choosing the best solution. A fully trained Colorado Springs pest control professional understands what to do about termites that have infested an area of your property and the proven methods for how to keep termites away from the structure. Further, the pros will operate in a manner that ensures the safety of your family.

Signs Of Termite Activity To Watch For Around Your Home

Are you wondering how to tell if termites are active on your property? Interior walls might exhibit discoloration, excessive moisture, or peeling paint. Wood floors often become increasingly creaky. Winged termites, those usually tasked with reproduction, often gather in large “swarms” at the beginning of the mating season.

Are termites in Colorado Springs nocturnal creatures? Some species, particularly dry wood termites, are most active at night; however, termites are often visible either during the day or at night.

The Extent Of Structural Damage Termites Can Create To Your Home

Each year, termites create billions of dollars in property damage across the country. Homeowner’s insurance policies typically exclude termite-related damage from their scope of coverage—further exacerbating the problem.

Naturally Effective Termite Prevention Tips For Your Property

What are some of the best strategies for effective termite prevention in Colorado Springs? Consider some of the following best practices:

Wooden parts of the structure near the foundation should never directly contact the soil. Therefore, create a thin layer of stone, metal, brick, or concrete so termites cannot access the wood. 
Promptly replace, ventilate, or dehumidify any wooden parts of the structure that endure water damage, as most termite species prefer moistened wood. 
Move firewood piles, fallen trees, or other debris away from the home and consider alternatives to wood mulch.

Property owners wondering how to stop termites from attacking wooden parts of their homes should adopt two or more of the aforementioned tips to increase the likelihood of success.

The Best Thing To Do If You Spot Signs Of Termite Damage

Residents of Colorado Springs who detect termite activity on their property should not hesitate before taking action. The vast majority of property owners devote substantial energy, time, and often scarce financial resources toward their homes. Considering the sacrifice and investment involved, local homeowners should seek assistance from a professional pest exterminator when they recognize a potential termite infestation that will actively erode the structure and create a need for costly repairs.

The licensed professionals with Beeline Pest Control have decades of experience in detecting termite activity in a host of different environments. After receiving an inquiry, one of our qualified technicians will respond and conduct an exhaustive inspection of the premises as needed to determine the nature and full extent of the problem. Relying on a robust base of knowledge, we acknowledge the importance of obtaining a “big picture” view and understanding of the property.

Our organization uses termite control products from Termidor, a specialized termiticide that termites cannot smell, taste, or otherwise detect. After termites have been exposed to or consumed the insecticide, they will transfer it to others throughout their colony. The odorless professional formula has proven both safe and effective for more than two decades on millions of U.S. properties.

Contact our team today for a consultation.

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