How To Keep Wolf Spiders Out Of Your Denver Home

Wolf Spider climbing on a wooden surface.

Though wolf spiders may look frightening, these spiders hardly ever present a high risk to the people and pets in your Denver home. However, you should understand wolf spiders in order to better prevent them from your property.

Understanding Wolf Spiders

There are many different types of wolf spiders, but when someone refers to wolf spiders they are generally speaking about the largest type – Hogna Carolinensis, the Carolina Wolf Spider. This spider can grow up to 2 inches in length, has a brown to grey body with two dark markings on its back, and has notable hair legs.

Unlike other spiders, wolf spiders don’t spin webs to catch their prey. They instead create silk-lined burrows in the ground that they use for shelter. To catch their meals, wolf spiders will use their speed and size to chase down and hunt prey including crickets, grasshoppers, earwigs, ants, and flies. Wolf spiders typically hunt at night and have excellent eyesight to help them locate prey, water, predators, and their shelter.

And although wolf spiders can be very scary looking, especially for those with spider fears, thanks to their larger size and tendency to surprise individuals around the home, this arachnid doesn’t present a significant risk to people or pets. They are unlikely to bite humans unless they feel directly threatened. These bites can be painful, but they don’t bring a risk of venom. That being said if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Swelling
  • Itchiness around the bite
  • Blistering
  • A rash around the bite

You may be experiencing an allergic reaction. Seek medical attention immediately if these symptoms occur, especially if you have a history of allergies to insect or spider bites.

Professional Wolf Spider Control

In general, wolf spiders prefer to remain outside of your home, as this is where it is easiest for them to burrow and catch prey. The wolf spider prefers to keep to itself and generally stays away from areas with lots of activity by either humans or pets. 

However, sometimes these spiders find themselves inside as they pursue their prey. They may be able to make their home in darker, more secluded areas such as basements, bathroom cabinets, and around kitchens and are more likely to stay if there is a constant source of pest prey to be found. This means that if you are having a problem with something like ants, cockroaches, or flies, then you are also at risk for a wolf spider infestation.

The best way to get rid of spiders in your home and reduce the pest prey of this arachnid is to seek out professional help. The experts at Beeline Pest Control can provide you with a free inspection and targeted solutions that treat your entire property so that spiders are deterred from ever coming into your home in the first place.

You may also want to follow these spider prevention tips to ensure your home always remains arachnid and pest-free.

  • Clear up clutter around your home and outside in your yard. Removing the number of hiding places for wolf spiders may deter them from your home.
  • Seal up potential entry points around your home’s windows and doors and invest in updated door sweeps or weather stripping to keep out spiders and their pest prey.
  • Ensure that all food waste and trash in your home are properly disposed of in sealed areas. This stops pests from entering your home and spiders from moving in after them.
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