Rat Infestations In Omaha Can Be A Pain For Residents

Rat in a dirty kitchen sink.

As spring flourishes, pest control in Omaha begins to move to the forefront of our minds. With the rise in temperatures, you may find pests of all kinds becoming more of a problem, and rats are no exception. In the Omaha area, you're most likely to encounter the Norway rat, which is a larger brown rat known to inhabit local homes.

How Big Can The Rats In Omaha Get?

The Norway rat, also known as the common rat or the brown rat, has a body that is usually 7 to 9 inches long, with a tail length that's slightly shorter than its body. With the shelter and food that humans unwittingly provide rats, they can weigh up to a pound.

How Dangerous Is It To Have Rats On My Omaha Property?

Although not very large, rats can pose a risk to you and your Omaha property. Rats have large front teeth that never stop growing, and they need to constantly gnaw to keep their teeth shaved down to a comfortable size. Rats will chew through almost anything. They have been known to chew through thin sheets of metal, wood, plastic, paper, and fabric, which spells disaster for your home and the contents within. Furthermore, rats burrow into walls, where they can destroy plumbing and electrical, increasing the risk of a house fire or flood. Rats will also eat almost anything from crops to pet food, human food, household supplies, and even other small mammals. While the destruction they can bring to your Omaha home is alarming, the risk to your health rats pose is downright terrifying. 

Rats are known to carry many diseases. Their droppings can trigger allergies as they are easily airborne and absorbed into furniture and clothes. Rats spread diseases like lymphocytic choriomeningitis, hantavirus, and salmonellosis via their urine, feces, and saliva. Lymphocytic choriomeningitis can also be spread from the bite of an infected rat. Lymphocytic choriomeningitis occurs in two phases; the first phase has flu-like symptoms, while the second phase comes with meningitis or encephalitis. Hantavirus is experienced as flu-like symptoms, but in some cases, the infection can worsen to hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, which carries a 38 percent mortality rate. Lastly, the bacteria that causes salmonellosis can be spread from infected rats to humans and pets. Symptoms typically arise 12 to 72 hours after exposure and are mainly gastrointestinal, with symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting lasting up to a week. 

Why Is It So Hard To Get Rid Of Rats In Omaha?

With such dangers, it is obvious why Omaha residents would want to steer clear of rats. However, once rats make their way into your home, they can be difficult to get rid of. As long as there is food and shelter, female rats can have up to a dozen offspring per month. Furthermore, rats are tough critters and will often burrow into hard-to-reach places like crawl spaces, attics, and wall voids. Additionally, rats are surprisingly clever. They are great at learning what is unsafe for them, they can learn to use tools, and they are incredibly social creatures that work together. In some cases, rats can even get used to common rat poisons and develop an immune response!

The Secret To Total Rat Control For Omaha Properties

Rather than trying to go it alone, it is best to contact a professional like Beeline Pest Control. Beeline Pest Control is family-owned and -operated; we are dedicated to serving Omaha residents and all of their pest control needs. With more than a decade of experience and eco-friendly treatment methods, we are well-equipped to handle any active rat infestation and can offer protection against any future unwanted guests. Give us a call today for your free quote!

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