The Secret To Spider Control In Denver

Wolf Spider on the ground.

Many spiders are known to eat small insects, such as ants, crickets, and roaches. While you certainly don't want those insects around your home, having a bunch of spiders hanging around isn't any better. In order to keep you and your family safe, it is best to keep all spiders away from your home at all times. 

If you are looking for an easy way to make your home spider-free, Beeline Pest Control has the perfect solution. We provide comprehensive pest control in Denver, and we know how to identify dangerous spiders and keep all spiders from invading your Colorado home.

Why Denver Homes Are At-Risk For Spiders

Spiders are one of the most common types of pests that Denver residents have to deal with on a regular basis. There is no "spider season" in Denver. Instead, these creepy creatures can invade your home throughout the entire year. 

When the temperatures are warm, the spiders will lurk around your home, looking for an insect to eat. When the weather starts to turn severe or begins to get too cold outside, the spiders will usually try to come inside to look for a reliable means and wait out the frigid temperatures. 

What Type Of Spiders Live Around Denver?

There are many types of spiders in Denver that live in this area. While most of them are not aggressive and not known to cause harm to humans, they can all look extremely intimidating. Some of the various spiders in Denver include:

  • Wolf spiders: Female wolf spiders can measure between ⅜ of an inch and 1 ⅜ of an inch. They are much larger than male wolf spiders, which usually only measure around one-half inch. Both male and female wolf spiders have intimidating appearances. These spiders can come in a variety of colors, but they are usually brown with tan or yellow markings. They also have fine, dark hairs that cover their bodies.
  • House Spiders: As their name suggests, these are some of the most common spiders found inside homes. They are small and usually only measure around 5/16 of an inch. They are a yellowish-brown color and typically have a dark strip on their abdomens. They are commonly found building webs in the upper corner of your home.
  • Yellow sac spiders: These spiders are about 2⁄5 of an inch long and usually have a pale yellow body, but they can also be tan, brown, or light green. The yellow sac spider has two long front legs and six other medium-sized legs. They also usually have a dark brown stripe that runs down the back of their abdomen.
  • Black widow spider: This spider has a shiny black body and usually measures around 1 ½ inches long. Their abdomens are plum and round. And on their underside, you can see a bright red marking that is shaped like an hourglass.

The black widow spider and the yellow sac spider are the only two spiders on this list that are considered to be venomous spiders. If either one of these spiders bites you, it could cause serious complications that require emergency medical attention. 

Mistakes Homeowners Make To Attract Spider To Their Properties

Spiders like homes that have plenty of food and water. Make sure that you are keeping your food properly stored. While spiders don't want to eat your food, it will attract the bugs that spiders like to eat.

Spiders also like to hang out in dark and damp places. Be sure to keep your basement and other areas of your home well-ventilated. 

What To Do If You've Started Seeing Spiders Around Your Denver Home

If you see any type of spider in your home, give the Denver spider control professionals at Beeline Pest Control a call today. We can determine why spiders are in your home and eliminate spiders from your Denver home and property quickly.

Contact us today to get your free quote and to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Denver. We’re happy to lend you a hand!

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